Friday, March 16, 2012

When it rains...

Seems like life is a bit crazy again - okay, a lot crazy.  To start with, we had a hail storm yesterday evening.  Unfortunately it hit while James and I were shopping with the kids at Wal-Mart.  The hail was so big, it actually broke through the plexiglass skylights!  My poor car got a lot of damage.  The insurance adjustor is coming on Wednesday to make an estimate. 

Last night Jed would not sleep.  He kept coming into our room.  Over and over and over and over.  And repeat.  Eventually James slept in his room on the floor.  Hey, you do what you have to do.

This morning I noticed that Julia had some eye boogers.  I figured it was just from sleeping.  No big deal.  Well, during work, I got a text from daycare that Jed's eye was red but not goopy or watery.  Then I got another text that he had drainage from his ear.  So off to the doctor we went.  Turns out he has an ear infection and eye infection.  Our wonderful doc checked out Julia too and she also has an ear infection and eye infection.  Thankfully I had taken out her contact before we went because she had more goop in her eye.  I guess she gets a little vacation from her contact and patch.  This is her second eye infection since surgery.  It just seems that as soon as we all get well, the cycle starts over and the sickness just runs through the house.

To make matters worse, I was alone with the kids at the doctors so I went to Wal-Mart to pick up all their medicines.  They said it was going to take an HOUR so I wandered Wal-Mart with Jed and Julia.  They were out of popcorn chicken (Jed's favorite).  Then I noticed his diaper had leaked and soaked his pants.  So I had to buy him new pants to change into.  I fed him goldfish, oreos and lemonade as we wandered the store.  He was a mess with cookie all over him, snot on his face, goopy eyes and gunk coming out of his ears.  Then we waited and waited and waited.  An hour and a half later the prescriptions were ready but the insurance had denied them!  Twenty more minutes and it was worked out - but I realized I was THAT mom.  You know, the mom you judged before you had kids.  Before you had kids you saw the mom with the messy, wild kids that wouldn't stay in the cart and you wondered why she didn't control them?  I ask forgiveness for ever judging that mom - because I am now that mom.  With two sick kids who have reached the end of their rope - they were messy, snotty, crying and crazy.  But I finally made it out of there with two sets of eye drops and two sets of antibiotics!

On a good note, Julia turned 5 months on Thursday!

The other good news - Ortopad released their new patches!  And they have pink camo!  And leopard print.  There are new boys patches too.  I can't wait to order some.

You can find them here.

And last - just a pic of me and my babies.  I don't look the best, but I am happy.  They are my everything.


  1. Wishing the kids a speedy recovery and lots of rest for you!!
    Yeah for the new patches....but the pink camo holds nothing on the ones they used to have....grrrrr....

  2. "I don't look my best" are glowing with the happiness of a mom Laura! You're gorgeous

  3. So sorry you are dealing with eye infections again. Hope they both get better quickly. I think that the picture of you with your little cuties is beautiful. Good luck keeping track of all that antibiotic. :/

  4. Boo on the infections... hope everyone gets better soon! I love that Jed has no pants on and only one sock, that's life, a happy life for sure!

    The pink camo patch is perfect for Julia, I think a pic of that should be your blog badge! ;)

  5. Yuck! No more infections! Love the pic of you all. Amanda- HOW do you make a blog badge????

    1. Ha, just saw this question... I guess I should have put quotes around "blog badge." But maybe I am on to something?! I just made it up based on a previous comment Laura made about the Eye Moms having a badge or patch of our own. :)

      I think the pink camo patch is perfect for you, Laura! As is the giraffe one for me!!!

      Tommy's Mom - If you had to pick a patch or make one up of your own... what would it be?! Sorry this is just so the Art teacher in me... ;)

    2. Hmm... I am the opposite of artistic. Since I can't picture chaos (which is my life)- I'd have to go with... monsters wearing patches. How cute would that be? I also think a little more pirate themed stuff is necessary. We CAN'T hide it, so we might as well flaunt it!

    3. To clarify- I am not a big fan of the pirate ones in the new collection. We don't wear a lot of read in these parts (rival school) so we don't have a lot that matches! Love the new girl pack... not loving the new boy pack. :(

    4. Pink camo would definitely have to be my "badge." I just ordered pink camo tennis shoes for Julia for when she is bigger (it is sooo much fun shopping for a little girl).

      And I think we should be able to design our own patches. Maybe they should make patches on a page that could go through a color printer and then "punch" out. That would be awesome. Amand could have all kinds of giraffes and I could have lots of pink camo!

    5. OMG this is too funny! I think we are definitely on to something here!!! :) I agree the new boy patches arn't amazing but the girls so needed the new options!

      We totally need to be on the design board at the patch companies... they need all our Eye Mom expertise!
