Thursday, March 29, 2012


Now it is the waiting game.  The nurse from the eye clinic called me yesterday at work and asked about Julia's cough (she had coughed while she was seeing the doc).  I told her it wasn't bad, she didn't have snot or a fever.  She still said I had to take her to the pediatrician ASAP to get her cleared for anesthesia.  So I leave work (which means I lose pay) and take her to the pediatrician and he says she is completely healthy.  So I call the nurse back and tell them she is fine.

Then I wait.

And I wait.

And I wait.

They finally call me late in the afternoon to tell me that the doctor wants to do surgery next week!  What!  I left work to see a pediatrician and now you are making us wait until next week?

Oh well.  At least now I'll be on spring break and won't have to miss work.  But now I have to deal with nerves for a whole week (and a contact that won't stay in).  At least we don't have to patch.  But we are back on drops 4 times a day.

So I am trying to relax and be normal until next Thursday.  Thankfully I have two munchkins that keep me pretty distracted!

Finally a smile!

Monkey see, monkey do!

Jumping together!

Fresh corn - yummy!

Patches and camo!  Well - no patch today.

In related eye news - Julia is very sensitive to light.  I knew that if we wanted to do anything outdoors this summer that she was going to need some shades.  For grins, I asked the WalMart optical shop if they carried any infant sunglasses.  They looked at me like I had grown another head.  Then I explained that Julia wore a contact and she looked at me like that second head had morphed into an alien!  Really? - you are an optical shop.  The "manager" came over and said that they can fit a pair of youth glasses with sunglass lenses but it is 80 dollars.  No thanks.  I ordered these instead:

Pretty cool!  They are actually lavender and pink and come with a looping strap for around her head.  They are symmetrical so there is no up or down when you put them on.  I hope she tolerates them!

So keep us in your prayers.  Surgery is Thursday and in the meantime we have to keep track of an ill-fitting contact and keep her eye dilated with drops.  We are just waiting, and waiting, and waiting...but enjoying life during the wait!


  1. Will definitely keep you all in my prayers. I cannot imagine how hard this is for you Laura! One good thing ~~ spring break!

  2. You are one amazing mama! Praying for you...

  3. I love the big smiles in the bumbo of both of them! Waiting isn't easy or fun but taking pics of those two cutie pies will help pass the time. Seems like there are some positives that are coming out of all this, try to keep focusing on them. Thinking of you. :)

  4. Lots of prayers coming your way...and good choice with the julbos. We love them. Even our 3 yr old has a pair!

  5. Very sweet pictures ... So sorry you're having to wait a whole week. Love the glasses. Alot. Might look into getting Austin some shades. :) Prayers going up for you and Julia.
