Saturday, March 24, 2012

Feeling better

I haven't blogged since Tuesday, when we lost Julia's contact.  I was trying to stay so positive, looking on the bright side, accepting the inevitable.  Well, on Wednesday morning when we went out to load the kids into the care to go to daycare and work, we realized someone had bashed in the rear passenger window on our SUV.  This was the straw that broke the camel's back and I lost it.  Just when we had settled into "normal" we have 2000 dollars of hail damage on our car, ear and eye infections in the kids, a lost contact and now a smashed window.  I needed a few days to fume, vent, cry and whine a little. It just felt that I could not win.  Was it not enough that we were dealing with Julia's eye and all the things that come with that?  Isn't that enough for one family?  Why all this extra stuff?  I basically needed a small pity party.

 Now that I am done with my pity party, I feel like I can face the world again.  The sun is back out and the world looks a little brighter.
The day before the lost contact.

We are enjoying our week of no contact and no patch.  Her eye definitely turns in a lot more without her contact, but there is nothing we can do.  Her doc ordered her a new one and we are waiting for it to come in (it is made in Colorado).  She has her normal eye appointment on Tuesday anyway and may need a prescription change.  So the next few weeks could be interesting when it comes to the contact.  I am a bit nervous about this appointment because I have noticed her eye turning in a lot more even when she was wearing the contact.  And her good eye seemed to turn in sometimes as well.

The kids are finally feeling better and it seems the ear infections are clearing up.  Jed has been super rambunctious and has definitely hit the terrible twos.  This is how he "plays" with his sister's toys.
Saggy pants!
The playmat must be conquered!

I think the playmat conquered him!

But overall, we are feeling better.  The good weather is helping to lift our moods and keep our spirits up.  And Julia deciding to sleep through the night helped too!  I can't say that too loud.  If she hears me she will probably stop!


  1. So sorry to hear about everything that is happening! I am a firm believer in being frustrated. Perspective works both ways-it helps you see the positive, but I also can't help but think of the negative in comparison sometimes. Hang in there-love the striped patch!

  2. Ugh. Is there anything else I can say? I am sorry that things are not going in the right direction just right now. You are doing fantastic!
    Nicole's eye turns in and her "good" eye has compensated by turning in as well. I've figured, there's nothing I can do to control it so I will just take a big breath in and know it will sort itself out. One way or another. Sigh. I hope you guys are on an upswing soon!! Hugs.

  3. Wow... That sounds like a perfectly horrendous way to spend a week. I love the picture story. That is hilarious! His little feet sticking out. :) Here's to hoping you have a great week, this go around!

  4. What a lil honey bee Julia is!!! And Jed is too funny, love the last pic! I hope you have a Happy Monday and a better week. Hang in there after the rain comes a rainbow... or maybe just your normal life back. ;)

  5. i hate it when it pours!! Here is to a fresh new week and what a sort of relief to not have to worry about the contact or the patch for a while.
