Sunday, February 26, 2012

Some Pics

So I found a few more pics that I wanted to share - some pics that document the beginning of our journey with Julia's eye.

Here is a pic from right after surgery:

And the one right above is once we got home. 

And even before surgery - you can really see the cataract in these photo:

And this is a few weeks after surgery.  Because we couldn't get a contact right away and couldn't start patching, her eye started to turn inward. 


  1. She is such a cutie! Love all the hair!!!

    It's funny looking back I actually didn't have any shots of the cataract, not sure if that's bad or good?! Ha.

    1. It is probably a good thing since they caught his so early! Julia's wasn't caught until her 2 month appointment. Although it is interesting to look back and see it there in the pics.
