Saturday, February 18, 2012

The beginning - part 1

So where do I start? A little about my family. James and I have been married almost 3 years. Our son, Jed, is just about 22 months old. He is a joy, a jumper, and a handful! We found out we were pregnant with Julia when he was 10 months old. We were excited and nervous. I was even more nervous when we found out she was a girl! I knew how to handle a boy - having a girl was a whole new monster.
My pregnancy with her was little more eventful than my pregnancy with Jed, but nothing major. I had a bit of spotting and got a weird salivary gland infection in my mouth - but that is it. I went into labor on a Friday. It was rough because James had just been in the hospital for pancreatitus and couldn't drive me to the hospital. My mom drove me. I was 3 cm so I walked for an hour. Not much changed so they sent me home.
Overnight, the contractions picked up. By the morning, they were strong and painful. James drove me to the hospital and i was a wreck! At one point, I actually jumped out of the car and got in the backseat so I could be on my hands and knees. I was begging him to drive faster! When I got to the hospital I was 4 cm and got my epidural. An hour later I was 6 cm and another hour later and she was born. It only took one push for her to enter the world (probably because I sat at 10 cm waiting for my doctor because of a bad accident right outside the hospital). She was perfect! She had a beautiful head of dark hair and was 7 lbs 1 oz. We started breastfeeding and enjoyed our time in the hospital - even though I missed my son.
They didn't see anything wrong with her eyes in the hospital. She was discharged normally and came home with us. It wasn't until several weeks later that we noticed something was different with her eye.

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