Wednesday, December 11, 2013

EYE will not give up

I sometimes feel like throwing in the towel.  Patching is hard.  Watching your baby struggle is torture.  The constant eye doctor visits, the glasses, the patches, all of it.  I honestly sometimes want to throw in the towel and call it quits.  She has enough vision, right?  Is she really going to see more if we keep patching?  ACK!

We just saw the eye doctor yesterday, and it wasn't great news.  Another surgery is planned.  This time to correct the muscles (again).  Except now the eye is floating upward instead of inward.  They also will do an exam under anesthesia (EUA) while she is under anesthetic.  They want to get a good measure of her eye pressures.  Her prescription keeps changing so drastically that they want to make sure it is not glaucoma causing the growth.  This is surgery number 5 for my little champion.  It is so disheartening and it gets frustrating to feel like you are constantly getting bad news when you go to the eye doctor.  I am looking forward to the day when Dr. Hoekel says, "You can stop patching now!  Those years of frustration, the tears, the bribes have all paid off and your daughter can see!"  That is my prayer.  I want to hear that sentence one day.

Thankfully, our ophthalmologist and optometrist are great.  They are really supportive and encouraging.  But I admit, I was holding back the tears on the drive home.  It just gets so tiring, you know?  It just feels like it is one thing after another and my little girl can't seem to catch a break.

Don't get me wrong.  I count my blessings everyday.  I have two beautiful children that are healthy and happy.  I have supportive family and a wonderful husband.  But I still wish I didn't have this battle to fight.  I don't want to hand my baby off to a nurse (again) for a surgery.  I don't.

The good news is that Julia was able to finally read the Allen chart and identify the car, horse, cake, etc.  This is the first really good measurement we have had of her vision.  She has done the Cardiff test before, but that is a preferential test, so it isn't completely accurate.  She was able to read the 20/60 line with her left eye and 20/160 with her right.  Her prescription changed again, so we are getting new lenses for her glasses.  She was so brave and so good!  She sat calmly and let the doctors look in her eye, shine lights in her eye, everything!  6 months ago, we were holding her down and prying open her eyes for the exam.  She is growing up (sniff, sniff).

So I guess I won't give up.  We will keep patching, keep trudging on, keep trying to improve her vision.  In my head I know that it will be worth it in the end, my heart just doesn't feel it right now.

Thankfully surgery isn't scheduled until after Christmas.  So we are going to enjoy the holiday.  Good thing I ordered some Christmas themed patches!


  1. I am glad you get Christmas. I am sorry she has to have surgery. It isn't fair. This whole eye thing sucks. You can't give up now, look how far you've come. Hugs, you are doing exactly what she needs you to do. It isn't easy, but that just means you are awesome. Hugs.

  2. We're all behind you and thinking praying for your family! As hard as it is, she will thank you someday when this is all a distant memory!

  3. Don't give up!! You and Julia are awesome! This is literally the hardest time EVER with patching. EVER. Hang in there!

  4. Oh the ups and downs of life as an iMom. You've come so far and Julia is awesome!

  5. LOVE the title of this post... never give up!!! EYE know you won't! ;)
