Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I feel like I've been a slacker with posting this summer, but we have been so busy!  The only "down" time I get is if I hit the jackpot and both kiddos nap at the same time.  And then I am usually trying to grab a shower or look at facebook (or fold laundry).  So to catch you up, I figure a nice photo montage would be good!

So I tried a pinterest idea for Father's day.  This is the best shot I got.

But this one cracks me up.
This is their personalities to a "t."

We grew water beads.  They started out looking like this.

And they ended up like this.  We had a blast using measuring cups and "scooping" the water beads.

We also made "summer snow."  It was frozen shaving cream.  Jed didn't like it much because he isn't a fan of cold things on his hands.  But it was worth a try.

We spent a Saturday at Mark Twain Lake.  We brought up my parents' jet skis and our boat and just parked on a grassy bank.  The kids loved swimming.  I didn't take many pics though - so this is about all I have.

We went to Lowe's Build and Grow.  Jed got to make a Monsters University wooden chest.  It was a lot of fun.  The best part was they were giving away all their old kits from previous workshops, so I have a ton of rainy day construction kits to do with the kids.

Play doh usually will buy me about 15 minutes of patch time.  I'll take it.

This was supposed to be baking soda ice cubes that you can spray with vinegar.  They didn't fizz much, so Jed wasn't really interested. 

One morning I let Jed take pictures with my camera.  So now I have lots of pictures of our tv, his toys, etc.  But he captured a few good ones.

Sneaky, sneaky.
We have actually done this twice, and it was a lot of fun.  Ice ball bowling.  You freeze a water balloon and then "bowl" outside. 

Julia also has had classes at United Services (through First Steps Early Intervention) on Fridays and we do swim lessons on Tuesday and Thursdays.  I try to go to the gym daily (thank goodness for babysitting at the gym).  I have to admit that it gives me an hour of "me" time.  I wish they had a coffee shop in the gym so I could sip a cup while the kids play in the babysitting area!

We also do lots of bike rides, four wheeler rides and wagon rides around the neighborhood.  We try to hit a playground after the gym if the weather is nice.  I find that I need many activities scheduled to keep the kids busy.

And while these pics are awesome, I must also admit there have been days of tears.  Not only from the kids, but from me.  It is overwhelming and exhausting taking care of a preschooler and a toddler.  Add a patch into the mix, and some days it is just too much.  Jed has an extraordinary amount of energy and doesn't like to listen.  Which makes it a bit difficult to go places with both of them.  But we try.  And Julia rips off her patch every two minutes.  I have to chase her down and she screams while I put another one on.  It is heartbreaking.  I love my summers with my kids, but I honestly think it is easier going to work!

We have ordered an ipad!  It will be here tomorrow.  I am hoping that will help with patch time on some days.

And my nerves have kicked in.  We are one week from Julia's EYE appointment.  I am praying for another good appointment.

We are also three weeks from embarking on an 8 day cruise.  I've been trying to prepare for that as well.

So say a prayer for Julia for her appointment, and one for me that I don't lose my sanity this summer!


  1. Wow, you sound like you have a great summer camp going there! What a good imomma! I am jealous of all your creativity and energy! You've got a lot on your plate- good job keeping up the fun!

  2. I think you are knocking this summer thing out of the park. Just saying. My sprinkler play is sounding lazy... haha

    Praying for Julia and you at her appointment!

  3. I totally agree that you are really running an awesome camp! Such a fun time and I am going to steal some of your ideas!

    You are at such a terrible time with the patching. TERRIBLE. I promise it will get better. Anderson was there about 2 summers ago and it was miserable. I honestly couldn't wait to go back to work. (Sounds terrible, but it is true) I even developed some weird bone thing on my wrist because I carried him too much in an attempt to prevent him from pulling it off. I am so sorry, but it will get better and it is worth it, which you will hopefully hear good news at the next appt!

  4. This post is jam packed and so is your summer! You go girl!!! The second Father's Day pic is the BEST. I totally want to run to the store and buy water beads now. And the pic that Jed took of Julia on your lap is awesome! :)

    Although you are rockin the summer activities like no other... it IS hard staying sane with two toddlers and an Eye. I hear ya on the days when it is all just overwhelming and very frustrating. I hope Julia's upcoming apt. gives you all the good news you need to hear to give you the boost you need to power through the rest of summer. xo
