Friday, July 26, 2013


So, I woke up at 3:30 am because I am sooooo excited about leaving for vacation today!  My kids get to ride in an airplane (and I get to try to keep them from irritating the whole plane)!  Jed is thrilled and can't wait to ride in the airplane and get on the boat (we are going on a cruise).  I really don't think he understands what "vacation" is, but he has asked multiple times a day for the last week, "are we going on vacation now?"  And then threw a tantrum when I said no.  So today is finally the day!  We are packed and ready to head out - which resulted in me being awake at 3:30 in anticipation. 

So I figured I would post some random pics from the last month to catch everyone up on our summer adventures.  Just to let you know, if you are the praying type, please pray for us.  Julia is MAJORLY fighting patching.  We have gone through 80 patches in 2 1/2 weeks.  It is so hard.  Thankfully the glasses aren't a struggle - she wears those willingly, and even uses the bifocal.  But patching, phew...this has to be one of the hardest (if not THE hardest thing I have done).

Fourth of July
They really enjoyed the parade.  Jed will still "play" parade and wave his little flag and tell me to throw candy at him.
Watching daddy shoot off fireworks in our driveway.
My beautiful girl without her glasses.  I love her little specs, I really do.  But sometimes I like to look at her face without any accessories.
We spend lots of mornings at the park (that is his favorite Duck Dynasty t-shirt).
Waiting for eyes to dilate at the eye doc.
Julia had "school" four times this summer through early intervention.  She loved it!
Fishing trip
This is what Julia did while Daddy and Jed fished.
I caught one!
More snacks. boys.
Fun on the 4-wheeler.
A big shout out to "Uncle Matt" for letting us visit for the day and fish in his lake.  The kids had a blast and Jed still talks about the 4 fish he caught (and how he threw them back). 
We made cloud dough.  Messy but fun.
Cloud dough before it got crazy.
Jellyfish.  So pretty.
Digging in the children's zoo.
Brushing the goats.
Feeding a stingray.
Harassing a chimp.
Riding a train.
Another shout out to my mom who went to the zoo with us.  She was a huge help!  I couldn't have managed both kids without her.
Just hanging inside.  This is a lot of our summer too.  Just trying to beat the heat and have fun indoors.
So there you have it.  The highlights of the last few weeks all jammed into one post.  It is hard to believe that when we return from vacation, I have one day off and then I go back to work.  Jed is starting two day a week preschool (big tears from mom) and Julia will start two days a week in her "school" when she turns two.  Summer always goes too fast.  I am thankful for my job that allows me to spend two months of the year with my kids, but also grateful to go back and be with my students.  Win-win situation for everyone.



  1. Hope you have a great time. It looks like fun was had by all this summer. I like to see Austin without his glasses, too. They are just so cute. P.S. Duck Dynasty cracks me up...

  2. Love all the pics!!! How exciting... you are probably traveling right now?!!! Hopefully happy and safely. :) What a great way to end Summer, with a big ol bang! Looking forward to the vaca blog post!

    As for the 80 patches in 2 1/2 weeks... ouch. :( I am sorry. She is a feisty lil iwarrior. Hang in there your persistence WILL pay off and she will thank you for it when she is 16 and driving! ;)

  3. I hear you with the patching- we have been having more struggling with it lately too. I think maybe from the humidity? Sometimes she seems to sweat them off her face! Though the fact that you have used so many in such a short time makes me feel like we aren;t the only ones and to just keep going...

    Have a great vacation!

  4. Your summer is so much fun! Lucky kids to have you as a mom!

    The Fourth of July pics are cute, that park looks like so much fun and we have those goats at our zoo-they are awesome.

    I know it doesn't help too much, but hang in there with the patching. There is no answer but time. Sorry to sound negative, but I think it is the truth. One day you will be telling someone else this, I promise!!! You're doing an amazing job! That time was so, so hard for us, which is why there are over 3 years between our 2 kids. I knew I could not take take care of a baby and keep that patch on, so that tells you how hard it was. I put off my family for the darn thing. Now I'm glad I did, of course, but still.
