Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Surgery, Slides, and Sickness

Nope, those things have no specific relationship other than they have been my last few weeks.  So lets tackle them one at a time.


New "lovey" for the hospital (thanks Grandma Joan).

It is over!  The doc had a cancellation so they bumped up Julia's surgery. It really was a blessing.  Less time to fret and be anxious.  They called on Tuesday and said there was an opening on Thursday.  So we made arrangements and phone calls and got ourselves ready.

Eyes before the surgery.

Had to be at the Hospital at 6:15 am.  Julia was great until they tried to put the hospital bracelet on.  She wailed.  She did not want to be touched at all.  I knew then that it was going to be a long day.  She got into the gown, we talked to a ton of different people (and answered the same questions over and over) and then the time came for her to go back for surgery.
Chillin with Daddy and waiting to get started.

They had given her some versed (not sure if that is spelled right) so she was a little loopy, but not loopy enough to just go to a stranger.  So I walked her to the OR doors and handed her over.  Then as I walked away I could hear her crying as they walked in.  So of course I teared up and then when I got back to the room, James was teary as well.
Waiting to go back for surgery.

Surgery was about an hour and the surgeon came in and said everything went fine.  He also took measurements for an IOL and said we could move forward with that in a few months.  I'm waiting for the Dr. H to talk with the Surgeon to develop a more definite plan.  We have an appointment scheduled in 8 weeks to see Dr. H and figure things out.

We finally got to go back to recovery and get my baby!  She was inconsolable.  She does not come out of anesthesia well and we have dealt with this every time.  This time she was strong enough to try to rip out her IV and heart monitor leads.  She needed some meds to calm down and then we were finally able to go back to our room.  After an hour of cuddles, we got the IV out, got dressed and came home. 

 She slept all afternoon and then was back to her usual self!  She ate a big dinner and ran around with her brother.  It was seriously the easiest of all our surgery recoveries.  And her eyes are so straight.  She looks amazing!

Eyes after surgery!  So straight!


This weekend (yes, just a few days after surgery) was the birthday party for my niece and nephew.  It was at this place called Jump4Fun.  We actually had Jed's 2nd birthday party there.  Doc had said that Julia had no restrictions, so we just let her have fun!  Jed had a blast and probably would have played there all day if we could have.  Julia was hesitant, but then enjoyed climbing up the slides.  She didn't enjoy going down them as much as she did climbing up.

 Yes, every pose from Jed is a different time down the slide.


And a bug has hit our house.  Julia has an ear infection, so we saw the doc yesterday for some antibiotics.  We had been treating it for 6 days with antibiotic drops, but it hadn't cleared, so she needed something stronger.  Thank God for ear tubes.  I can't imagine how much pain she would have been in without the tubes.  If the gunk flowing out of her ears was any indication, she would have been miserable.

Waiting for the doc.
Still waiting.

Literally, I got home from being at the doc with Julia, and James told me that Jed had been throwing up.  He puked several times last evening and once in the middle of the night.  So I kept him home from daycare and we have been cuddling today.  He hasn't been sick today, just tired, so hopefully it was a short-lived virus. (I'll save you from a pic of a puking kid.)

And the reason I was able to write this post is because I am sitting at home with a sleeping boy!  So there are positives to everything.

So now we are waiting to discuss the implant, have another dilation/refraction and hopefully Cardiff test to see where her acuity is.  In the meantime, we are just plugging along (we need to start planning for Jed's birthday (how can my boy be turning 3!), looking toward summer, and of course saving up for OeyeO!

 Eye is straight - even when patched!


  1. They are so cute! I love the picture of you and her before the surgery. So sweet. Glad she had an easy recovery! Sorry about the tears. :( I feel your pain. It hurts. So hard to turn them over, no matter what good can come from it.

    Jed looks like he has about as much energy as Blake and Austin do. Keeps me so busy, and I am sure you too. :)

  2. She looks perfect!! I am so sorry for all of the worry and pain and tears over the surgery. You are a super imom because you have done this more than once!

    Jed is HILARIOUS! I love the pics of him on the slide ;0

    I am sorry for the sickness, but the pics of Julia waiting are pretty darn cute!

  3. So happy for a successful surgery!!! I'm sorry for the recovery not being easy for her (and you). You have walked this road more than once and have thrived. Thanks for being an super imom role model.

    I love all the pics of Jed. Such an energetic little boy...the best kind to have!

  4. Not only am I neglecting my blog, but I am falling behind on my blog comments too!!! Sorry. ;) Seeing and hearing of your hospital visit honestly makes me anxious. Our EUA is coming up at the end of this month... just the thought of it all for the 3rd time (technically 4th if you count handing over Azalea) makes me nauseous. It does ease my mind a bit to know things went smoothly for you all though. I love, love, love the pic of you with Julia before surgery!!! And so glad the surgery seems to be a clear success!
