Saturday, December 15, 2012

What a difference a year makes.

Exactly one year ago, on this day, I was sitting at my very first appointment at the pediatric opthamologist.  I knew something was terribly wrong with Julia's eye.  I could tell in the way the pediatrician had talked to us at her well-baby visit the evening before.

This is the day of the appointment.  I immediately noticed the cataract in the picture.

That day is pretty blurry, yet some things are crystal clear.  I remember what I was wearing (black pants/purple sweater) and what Julia was wearing (turquoise flower outfit).  Julia was amazing all day.  We were there for several hours doing several tests.  I was terrified that she would scream, because she had been screaming most of her short life.  But she didn't.  I think she just knew, in her baby wisdom, that this was a rough day for mommy and she was quiet the whole day.

I remember hearing the words "cataract, surgery, contact lens."  I know I asked what would happen if we didn't have surgery.  Getting the answer, "She will be blind in that eye," was not reassuring.  I remember the fellow explaining that the lens is shaped like an M&M and they were going to "suck" the chocolate out (that is the cataract) and I remember being told about a stalk.

Waiting for first surgery.

I actually didn't freak out until the next day.  Once I got on google and started doing some research, I realized that my daughter probably had phpv.  I realized we would be patching.  And I was terrified that this wouldn't work.  That my baby wouldn't see.  That her eye wouldn't grow and wouldn't develop.

And then we waited for surgery.

Which is ironic, because here we are again.  One year later, and we are again waiting for surgery.

We have been through 3 surgeries, countless patches, at least 10 contact lenses, 3 sets of glasses and probably 15 eye doctor appointments.  I've endured the stares, the comments, the snickers and laughs from strangers.  I've also experienced the support of wonderful imoms, friends and family. 

After second surgery.

Other imom's told me, "One day your life won't be consumed by the EYE."  I don't think I believed them.  But it has happened.  Her day is more about being an active toddler and less about the EYE.  Yes, she wears glasses.  And yes, she still patches.  But she also walks, climbs, plays with toys, and throws food off her highchair.  Don't get me wrong - the EYE is always there, in the back of my mind.  But I am learning to trust my mommy instinct and trust the doctors.
We lost a lot of these.

I can't believe it has been an entire year since we first learned about the EYE. 

This year was long, painful, wonderful and momentous.  It inched along like a turtle, yet flew by in an instant.

I never imagined this day would come.  A day where I finally feel like we are normal.  Just a little family, living life, enjoying one another, and sticking patches on an eye.
My little man.
My beautiful doll.


  1. First of all your family pics are awesome!!! Love. And secondly... CONGRATS on making through 1 year with the Eye!!! I can't believe how far ALL of us have made it, imoms and ikids alike. How fun is it that we get to celebrate along the way as each of us continue to walk this path together!?! What will we do, what will we blog when the patch comes off for the last time?! Ha, such a distant goal... but as long as you are still here is cyberland, I will cheer you all the way girl! Keep going!!! xoxo

  2. ONE YEAR!!!!!

    We should seriously get checks in the mail when we reach these yearly milestones. I am not sure who they would be from, but I think if non-imoms realized what our lives are like, they would pitch in a bit!

    I am SO excited for you all. It is crazy to think that a year has gone by, isn't it? You all have done so wonderfully. I always know how lucky I am not to have the contact drama, but your resilience makes it look easy:)

    The family pics are beautiful!! Love the expressions :)

    One day it will be even less about the EYE for all of us, right?? Until then, HAPPY ONE YEAR!!

  3. Happy one year EYE anniversary! It is so great to look back and see how far a year can take you.

    You are doing great! Sorry about the surgery. Again. That is never easy. I hope it is a huge success.

    Love the family pics! Have a merry Christmas!
