Friday, December 28, 2012


Christmas was awesome.  I love the holidays and giving gifts.  Both kids were super excited with their presents and had a great time.  The only hard part was that things were VERY busy.  I worked through Friday and then Saturday Julia had appointments with her OT and vision specialist (she gets vision services now - I'll have to update on that soon).  And I had to finish wrapping.  James was off hunting all day Saturday, so I was at it alone with both kids.  The good news is that he got a buck so we have more meat in the freezer.

Sunday was church and getting food for Christmas.

Monday I had to do some last minute shopping.   I don't recommend going to Wal-Mart on Christmas Eve.  Not a great idea, but I had to get some drinks and things for Christmas.

Christmas eve we always go to church.  I usually sing with the Christmas choir.  We have candles and sing Silent Night and everything is beautiful.  James got stuck in the nursery with the kids since they wouldn't sit through service.  Maybe next year.
Jed before church.
Julia before church.  I think she is trying to eat her hair bow.  And it has become almost impossible to get pics of them together.
After church we have dinner out with my family.  We went to a Japanese restaurant and it was awesome.  My family is very supportive and we do a lot of things together.  We all go to the same church every Sunday and have lunch together every Sunday.  It was wonderful seeing everyone dressed up and the little ones were so excited for Santa.
Jed trying to use chopsticks.
Julia trying to use chopsticks!
After dinner we went home and put the kids to bed.  Santa came and filled the tree with presents!
Christmas morning was wonderful.  Jed really understood Christmas this year and loved opening all his presents.  He was so excited.  Julia had fun too.  I think I had the most fun watching them open and be excited!
One of Jed's favorite gifts was his fishing pole.
Julia got a music set.  We are definitely gluttons for punishment.
Learning to fish!
Sibling love.
After presents, both the kids took a nap.  I snuggled with Jed before we had to go to my parent's for more presents and brunch.
We had brunch at my parent's house and got even more presents. Again, it was so fun watching the kids get so excited about everything.
That evening we had James' family over for more presents.  I guess I was too busy with food and things because I didn't even snap any pictures.  Which is a bummer because the kids had fun with their cousins.
Now we are trying to get back to "normal."  We still have to patch and take naps and clean our rooms!  Unfortunately, Jed developed some sort of eye infection on Wednesday.  He got some antibiotic drops and so far (knock on wood) Julia hasn't caught it.  It actually cleared up pretty quickly.
Jed had to deal with drops for a change!
Still using the pedi wraps.  But she can still play with toys!
What's missing?  She is obviously a mini Houdini.
Drawing on the new easel.
Sharing!  See the new tool bench in the background?
Hold me Mommy!
Such a more relaxing Christmas this year.  Last year Julia had surgery on Dec. 22nd so the entire holiday was spent worrying about drops and going to follow up appointments and stressing out about having to wait to put in a contact.  Much better experience this year.
We have two more Christmas parties to go to and a New Year's Eve party.  Julia has an IFSP meeting in January to look at her early intervention goals.  And surgery is still scheduled for Feb. 5th.  It's back to work on January 2nd.  Merry Christmas everyone!






  1. So glad you all had a merry Christmas! Looks awesome! What a great family!

  2. Ok so first of all two kids in one pic, doable. Two kids in one "good" pic, impossible. I hear ya on that one!

    Secondly, the "yes" pic of Jed is priceless!

    Third, "mini Houdini" is precious! How on earth do you get frustrated with missing glasses on that face?!

    And lastly, thinking of you this New Year... praying for peace of mind come these busy months and happy, healthy kiddos!

  3. It looks like Christmas was a ton of fun. I love all the pics. They are absolutely adorable. It reminds of when mine were that little trying to capture that 'perfect' picture. Oh wait, we still try to get that perfect picture with no luck.
    I love Jed's 'yes' picture. And we have the same music set which either means a.)it's very durable or b.) I hid it after the first month.
    Wishing you a very Happy 2013! Sending many positive thoughts for good news in January and a successful surgery.
