Saturday, April 14, 2012

E is for Easter...and for Eye Shield

Easter was great.  Jed had a great time with the egg hunts and candy.  Julia didn't really know that it was a special day, but we enjoyed the time together.  Jed went to two egg hunts on Saturday and then had 2 more egg hunts on Sunday with family.  At the first egg hunt, he wanted the eggs, but he wanted to open each one before he tried to find another one.  As a result, he only got a few eggs at each hunt.  By Sunday he had gotten the hang of it and knew the key was to grab and run!  We celebrated our risen Savior at church on Sunday by serving in the nursery.  Julia had pretty much recovered from surgery but still was wearing the eye shield and required drops every 2 hours.

Look what the Easter bunny brought!

Enjoying the treats!

Julia with her treats.


Ready for church.

Egg Hunt!

As far as Julia's eye - so far so good.  We had a follow up appointment with the surgeon the day after surgery.  We found out that the surgery was more intensive than they had thought it would be.  Julia's iris had "fallen back" and fused with the lens.  The lens had regrown over the pupil and her pupil had shrunk to a miniscule size because of all the regrowth.  The surgeon had to snip the iris from the lens with tiny, tiny scissors and clear out all the regrowth.  Her pupil is much bigger now.

A week later we went for another follow up (after doing drops every 2 hours all week) and the eye still looks great.  They are really pleased with the results.  We are able to decrease the drops to every 3 hours and we are going back in 3 weeks.  They originally were going to wait 5 weeks but I was concerned about the length of time she has gone without a contact.  The doc doesn't want her to wear her contact yet because it will block the drops from getting to her eye and they really want to be aggressive with the drops to keep the inflammation and regrowth down.  So we go in 3 weeks to see if we can put the contact back in - it will have been almost 7 weeks of no contact by that time.  She also has to wear the eye shield for another week. 

For all you eye moms - I've found a great trick for the eye shield.  So if your kiddos have to wear one after surgery, here is what you do.  Take some scissors and cut the center out of an eye patch.  The remaining "sticky" part of the patch is the perfect size and shape to stick to the edges of the plastic eye shield.  That way you don't have to have a ton of tape all over their faces to keep the shield on!  Hopefully you won't ever need to use that trick - but if you do, it works well!

You can see the "patch" holding the eye shield in this pic.


  1. Yay for a fun Easter! I really hope I won't need an eye shield any time soon, but great tip! ;) They should do that at the hospital so moms don't have to see their little one all bandaged/taped up.

    1. I hope you won't need an eye shield anytime soon either!

  2. Thanks for the tip... I know that tip was something you wished you would have never had to learn. I will be using this tip very soon. Austin has surgery on May 1st to re-open his pupil that has fused to pinpoint. I have decided to have them insert the IOL at the same time. Two birds, one stone and all that. I know there will have to be lots of dilating drops and an eye shield involved. They want to make sure the pupil doesn't heal closed this time around.
