Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Just a quick post.  It seems like I never have time to blog anymore now that school is back in session.  Mornings are crazy with getting ready, putting in Julia's contact, and loading kids into the car.  Afternoons are playing, cleaning, cooking, bathtime.  I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Julia had her first visit with the vision diagnostic tester.  It is sort of like an audiologist that does the fancy hearing tests, but this one was for vision.  We sat in this little plain room and she held up all kinds of cards for Julia to look at.  They were in sets of three - and it would have the same pic on each card, just in a different spot (top, middle, bottom).  The cards were gray and the pics were just white outline drawings.  Each set of three had a different pic (a train, fish, apple, etc).  I just held Julia while Jackie (the diagnostician) got her attention and kept going through all the cards.  We did her right eye, then her left, then her right again.  It was hard with her right eye because her nystagmus is really bad when she is patched (nystagmus is when her eye "jumps") and she has to really turn her head to get her eye in just the right spot to be able to see.

So how does this tell us anything about Julia's vision?

Apparently, the white outlines on the cards get thinner and thinner.  So at some point Julia is unable to distinguish the pic from the gray card and will stop looking at the pic or following it as it moves from top to bottom when she flips the card.  Pretty neat trick if you think about it.

Then Jackie got out a fancy camera and had me hold Julia's head straight to get some pics of her alignment.  She also took some pics with her natural gaze (with her head tilted).

So the info will all be sent to her surgeon and vision doc and we should have results in less than 2 weeks.  I am anxious to find out how much Julia can see.

In more fun news, we finally had Julia's baptism.  She looked so pretty!  My baby is getting so big.  And, I won't say this too loud, but Jed is doing really well with potty training.  Life is good here!



  1. Nicole's been doing those exact same tests. But she's been doing it for as long as I can remember. They tell me right away how she does. She always gets the fish, train, house, I think. I am lost by the time the car comes out LOL.
    Congrats on the Baptism. She looks beautiful!

  2. What a sweet angel princess! Julia is so beautiful standing there in her white gown. She looks so happy, her eyes are even smiling!!! Congratulations.

    The eye/vision test things for infants/toddlers are amazing and wacky all at the same time. As a parent you want any inkling possible to confirm that your child's vision is developing. But at the same time, you know they are too young, too tired, too whatever to truly be accurate. I still get so excited and filled with pride when I know Easton is responding to the exams BUT then 2 seconds later he is off my lap and totally disinterested in finishing the exam. Take the experience for what it is worth and then try to find the patience that this journey requires. All things in time! ;)
