Monday, September 3, 2012


How do you measure life?  Is it in inches, miles, minutes, hours, weeks, years?  Is it sunsets or tears?  Is it patches and contacts or smiles and hugs?  I'm not really sure.

According to the fabulous Dr. H - life is a yardstick.  Okay - I get that concept.  Struggling with contacts is only going to be an inch of the yardstick.  Not a lot when you look at the perspective.  I guess he is right.  But sometimes that inch feels like a mile when you are fighting a mere 12.5 millimeters of plastic (or whatever contacts are made of).

We are told to get through this "inch" and we will look at an IOL around age 2.  Then we will only have to worry about having the right prescription, patching, and strabismus (his words, not mine).  So basically we still worry about everything but the contact.  I guess that is an improvement?

So we will inch along.  The contact is an amazing fit according to the doc.  It is just the right prescription and keeps her in great focus.  It is staying in a bit better (I probably just jinxed myself).  We only have to patch 2-3 hours a day which is a huge sigh of relief.  We've started putting socks on her hands during patch time so she won't rip the patches off.

She will have her first "vision test" next week.  She will be doing the lined card test to try and get an estimate of what she is seeing.  I am excited and nervous about the whole thing.  And then back to Dr. H in November for dilation and refraction on both eyes.  Hoping and praying the farsightedness in her left eye has started to decrease so we don't have to get glasses for her "strong" eye.

I think my life is measured in school days.  How many are left to Thanksgiving break, Christmas break, spring break and finally summer.  I miss my kids when I am at work.  I love my job - love the challenge, the students, my co-workes, but miss my kids.  It is hard when the one thing you have to do to provide for your kids is the one thing that takes you away from them on a daily basis.

Jed's life is measured in stickers and m & m's.  Stickers & m's for going on the potty.  Potty training is not a cup of tea, but we are doing okay.  I also think he measures life in episodes of Bubble guppies.  23 minutes and then it is time for something else.


Julia measure's her life in patches.  How many patches to get through patch time.  And after that it is smiles.  It is millions of smiles as soon as the patch comes off. 

My husband is measuring life in days till deer season.  His favorite time of year is just around the corner and he is as excited as a kid before Christmas.

I think the trick is to measure looking backward.  I don't want to rush time along and miss a moment.  I don't want to live always waiting for a better day or for something to change.  I want to savor every second and then turn around and measure the past - and find that it is measured in wonderful memories.



  1. You are doing great. She is doing great. You are both so strong.

    Your kiddos are so adorable.

    Potty training is not for the faint of heart. :) It is so worth it. Kinda like patching, I guess. Just patching takes FOREVER! Well it seems that way compared to potty training.

    My husband hunts deer too. Crazy men. I don't get the fascination. They freeze just to get a shot at a deer maybe. Oh well, it makes him happy, and with three boys, I better get with the program.

  2. I love this post for so many reasons, but mostly because I can see your growth. Compared to past posts and processing all that comes with the Eye, you seem to be moving right into that acceptance stage quite nicely?! Bravo, you ARE inching right along! ;)

  3. Yay for cute kids, potty training, inching forward, and accepting!
