Saturday, August 18, 2012

Watch out world...

...Julia can walk!  She took a few tentative steps a couple weeks back and now she is more and more adventurous.  She will walk across the living room from the chair to the couch.  And then she grins.  She knows she is cute and she works her charm.

I wasn't prepared for her to walk.  I really hoped and thought she would take her sweet time.  She waited longer than her brother (stinker walked at 8 months old!) but not as long as mommy hoped.  10 months is still too early.  She is still my little baby - she shouldn't be able to navigate by herself yet!  She only has one little tooth and looks very baby-like still.  She shouldn't be toddling about.

She won't really walk when she is patched, but once the patch comes off - she is a pro.

In Eye news - we've lost another contact.  This one lasted three weeks.  It stayed in great for two weeks and then started falling out daily.  Friday it fell out at daycare and is no where to be found!  Thankfully I ordered a back up two weeks ago and it should be in any day.

I am also back to work.  It is a rough adjustment for all, but we have survived and are getting into the swing of our new schedule.  Both kids cried when I left daycare on Wednesday, but they are doing better about drop off now.

I'm excited for fall, cooler weather, sweaters and pumpkins.  Julia's birthday is quickly approaching (where did the time go?) along with her baptism and Halloween.  It is going to be a busy season!


  1. Austin could walk without the patch very well. It took him about two weeks to catch up to the same skill level while patched. It won't be long now. She is too adorable. Those chubby cheeks make you want to just kiss her I am sure.

    I hope that you can get an IOL for her if that is what you want. It is a lifesaver.

  2. Awh that video is too sweet. Girlfriend can walk!!! I guess you all are jumping right into the Fall "changing" season as well. I'm excited for our new schedule but anticipating the rough adjustment like you mentioned. I'm sorry you lost a contact... again. I just know that day will come at Easton and Azalea's daycare too. :( All just part of the territory, I guess. Can't wait to see Julia WALKING in her Halloween costume, ha! :)

  3. Love that the girl can walk! ADORABLE! Boo to lost contacts. (sigh)
