Monday, July 23, 2012


We are back from vacation!  It was a wonderful time with family - we truly enjoyed every minute.  I was nervous about taking Julia with her contact/patches, but it ended up being easier than I thought.  But more on that later...

We started vacation with a 5 hour drive to Springfield, MO.  We did have to stop for a super leaky diaper, but overall the kids handled the drive well.  We stopped in at the biggest Bass Pro in the country.  Jed had a blast looking at all the animals, especially the turtles and fish.  We bought a few things in the catalogue outlet portion of the store.  We ate at Hemingway's at Bass Pro.  The meal was crazy hectic with both kids starting to meltdown - but we survived.

Bass Pro in Springfield!

We then drove to our vacation spot - Stillwaters Resort in Branson, MO.  It was right on Lake Taneycomo and had a marina, 3 pools and a playground!

The next day we visited Silver Dollar City. 

Getting ready for a busy day!  This is the last patch of vacation  :(

Jed rode the "frogs" but didn't really want to ride anything else.  James had to "ride" with him.  I don't know what was more enjoyable, the look on Jed's face or watching my husband cram himself into a toddler ride!  He also enjoyed the huge ball pit with the "bang bangs" that shot the foam balls. 
Let's go!

While Jed napped in the stroller, Julia decided to shop for accessories.  After all, a girl can never have too many accessories!
Is skunk my look?  It is an animal print...

That afternoon, after coming back to the condo from Silver Dollar City - I realized Julia's contact was gone.  I could have sworn I checked her eye when we took her out of the car seat and it was there.  But we searched the entire floor and couldn't find it anywhere.  I had my two minutes of tears and proclaimed that I wasn't upset about the contact - just upset that we can't seem to find one that stays in.  After my two minute meltdown, I realized there was nothing I could do and decided to just enjoy the rest of my vacation.  All in all, it ended up being an easy week because we didn't have a contact so we couldn't patch.  I didn't have to take it in and out for swimming or anything.  I guess that is a silver lining to a lost contact.

The next day we had fun at the the marina and swam in the lake.

Jed is under the hat - I promise!

See!  Told you he was there.

 Jed went for a ride on the wave runner (don't worry, it was really slow). 
Getting ready to ride!

Headed out for some fun.

All finished.

Julia stayed with grandma in the condo.  When we got back from the marina, Jed was so tired that he fell asleep during lunch!  He was one tired boy.

Sandwich, chips, and a nap.

Later that afternoon we hit the pool.  Jed LOVED the pool and had a blast.

Playing in the water.

Splish, Splash!

Can I sit on it?

Under the water fall!

Lets go under again!

A little waterlogged, but still swimming!

Julia napped (which seemed to be her favorite thing to do on vacation).
Can't sleep without a lovey (AKA burp rag).

On Saturday we visited the Branson Hatchery.  Jed was able to see millions of trout in all stages of growth.  He loved feeding the fish and walking along the tanks. 
My boys.

Headed to the hatchery!

Feeding the fish.  See them splash?

I wish I could touch them.

I need more fish food!  (yes, that is Julia's sunglasses case that we used to hold the fish food- came in handy!)

Eat fishies!

Julia slept, as usual.

She was thrilled with the hatchery.

More swimming in the afternoon and then a yummy dinner with the family.  Jed tried the slide, but wasn't really thrilled.

I tried to get a good photo - but this is it.  Jed and James coming out of the slide.

Not a fan of the slide.

Jed and his cousin Elliott had a blast building forts in the condo.  Staying with my sister and her two kids was fun, but made nap time for them a little difficult.

Where's Jed?

Right here!

And then we had to drive home.  Jed and Julia slept most of the way, but Jed was really crabby.  So we let him watch Bubble Guppies over and over.

So thankful I have a Kindle Fire.

My view of Julia during the drive.

Overall, a great vacation.  We made amazing memories as a family.  Jed had a blast and seemed to truly enjoy every moment.  His favorite souvenir - his "bang bang" from Silver Dollar City. 

I hope he realizes I ran through 3 parking lots, in the rain, to get this "bang bang" for him.

Now that we are home, it is back to laundry, dishes, cooking and doctor appointments.  I have an eye appointment this week to pick up my contacts and glasses, Julia has a pediatrician appointment and an appointment with MOSpin with MO School for the Blind.  Next week she has eye and ear appointments at Children's.  We also need to get another contact - so hopefully Dr. H ordered one when we called. 

We had Julia's IFSP meeting before vacation with her OT and case manager.  They are both really pleased with her progress.  Her new goals mainly surround feeding (using a sippy cup, straw, and self feeding) and fine motor skills.  She is caught up with gross motor and will probably walk in a few short months (no, no, baby cannot be big enough to walk!).  She will continue to receive OT once a month.

Summer is almost over.  But it certainly has been fun!  Next year we are going on a cruise - can't imagine what that will be like with a 3 year old and an almost 2 year old!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had a blast on vacation... how could you not when you get to relive so many fun childhood activities with now, your children!!! Love that Jed feel asleep with the food and all on the couch, lol. Julia sure does know how to rock a patch, so cute. I am so sorry you lost a lens and on vacation of all times. I probably would have cried for more than two minuets. ;) I am glad you could see the silver lining... sometimes, maybe all the time there really is one?! You just have to have the clarity to see it. August sounds busy... keep that vacation perspective as you plunge in ahead.
