Monday, July 16, 2012

Busy, busy, busy

Life is busy!  I somehow thought that summer would mean relaxing and catching up on sleep.  I was wrong.  Life with a 9 month old and a 2 year old is not quiet or relaxing!

Jed and Daddy sleep.  Notice I am not sleeping - I am behind the camera because I am awake!

We've been spending time at home, going to the park and trying to enjoy the summer.  We've been to the pool, Science Center and Zoo.  Julia and I just returned from Pennsylvania visiting good friends.  Julia did great on all the flights and was so good!  We almost lost a contact in a supermarket - but thankfully my friends saw it before it was lost!

Jed at the splash pad!

Now we are getting ready to head to Branson with my family.  Not sure if Jed understands what a "vacation" is, but I know he will have a blast with his cousins.  Before we go, Julia has her IFSP meeting.  Because of her vision issues, Julia qualifies for Early Intervention through the state of Missouri and receives monthly visits with an occupational therapist.  I am excited to review her progress and look at the goals we have for the next 6 months.

Look who can stand for a few seconds!  We won't have to work on that with the OT!

I hesitate to write this, but I feel like we have hit a "plateau" of sorts with the eye.  This latest contact is actually staying in - which has reduced my stress level immensely.  I am also less nervous and worried because we have had several weeks of consistent contact wearing and patching. 

We did have an unfortunate experience at Wal-Mart though.  We were checking out and Julia was sitting in the cart.  She had her patch on and the cashier asked why she had it.  I simply said "she was born with a cataract and has had several surgeries."  She started going on and on about how she felt so sorry for "kids like that" because they get made fun of when they are older."  Then she kept talking and talking and even said "Her eye is so freaky!  It is weird the way it stays in the middle."

Needless to say - I had a chat with the manager.  I think the girl just didn't know what to say and was uncomfortable and ended up with a horrendous case of verbal diarrhea.  I still am not used to the reaction I get when people look in her car seat and see the patch.  I think she is adorable with or without the patch!

So as you can see, we have been busy, busy, busy!  We are trying to enjoy every moment of this last month before I have to go back to work.


  1. She is as adorable as ever. Summer is not time for Moms to relax. I always think it will be, but it always is a lot of running. So cool that Julia is standing, and.... shhh... keeping a contact in. Jed is toooo cute. Sleep is for sissies??!?!? right?

  2. LOVE the fun times! You are my hero with a two year old and a baby!! She looks precious in all of her pics and love the sleeping one of Jed.

    As for the woman at Wal Mart...what.a.B. People have no concept of life sometimes. She is adorable because she is adorable. Not because she does or doesn't wear a patch. Grrrrr. you're awesome to not let it bother you too much.

    Have a great vacation!

  3. Wow! I can't believe how DUMB people are!!! I'm so angry for you!!! (Glad you handled it so well!!)
    Love the pics! Have a fun vacation!

  4. blogger keeps deleting my comments, but she is precious, you are awesome for raising a high energy 2 year old and a baby with a contact/patch and not killing a certain person at Wal Mart.

    have a fun vacation!!

  5. It is crazy how you think Summer will be the most relaxing and it ends up being the busiest, even more so now with kids!!! It's all oh so worth it though. :) Sounds like Summer will end on a good note for you, yay!

    I'm sorry about the dumb cashier comments, I still don't understand why people even open their mouths?! Good for you for finding the manager!!! I don't think I will ever get "used to" the stares and comments, they still make my stomach turn. I think it's mostly because I know that one day Easton will be old enough to understand the looks and the language... and I am not sure how I or he will deal with that... all in time, I guess.

    I'm rambling now... but I think that is why I love the imoms club. It's not just for me, someday Easton will be able to log into blogland and see for himself, he is NOT alone!
