Friday, May 17, 2013

Just living life

Things in our household have been good.  The weather is finally getting warm, the kids have been behaving (most of the time) and school is almost out for the summer!

Summer starts next week!  I will have 9 weeks at home with my kiddos and we are planning all kinds of fun activities this summer.  We are already signed up for swimming lessons, and I am hoping to be able to go to the zoo, Purina Farms, Grant's Farm and other local attractions.

It is warm!  Julia decided it was more fun to play IN the sand table.
Cooling off in the heat!
Jed had a great birthday. I will have to post some pics later. He got an awesome Lightning McQueen bike and helmet. Everyday, when I pick him up from daycare, he immediately asks to go outside and ride his bike.
Playing in the sprinkler!
Julia has started preschool! Well, sort of. Because she receives services from First Steps (early intervention), she qualifies for a weekly class at the local early childhood special education center. My wonderful mother has been picking her up from daycare and taking her there every Friday. Next year she will have class 2 times a week. We are still trying to figure out the daycare situation, but overall, I think this class is great for her. It is social activities with other toddlers her age. The class is run by a certified special education teacher with training in vision impairments (she has tons of training in all kinds of disabilities).

She found a patch and tried to put it on herself.
We love the new patches from Ortopad.  Julia thought the block needed to patch
Jed and Julia had their check ups at the pediatrician.  Both kids are growing and healthy.  Jed weighs 32 pounds and is 37 inches tall.  He is only in the 30% for height!  My little peanut.  Julia weighs 22 lbs and is 32 inches tall.  She is closer to 50% in height.  They are both growing so much and I am constantly amazed at how much they understand and talk!

Waiting for the doctor.
Julia is talking more.  She can say mommy, daddy, cup, down, outside, baby, night night, bye bye and a few others I am probably forgetting.  He doesn't say "no" yet (and I am thankful for that!).  When you ask her something, she says, "uh huh, " instead of yes.  It is so cute and my heart melts every time.  She is a snuggler and loves to be held.

Jed is talking up a storm.  Complete sentences and phrases and asks lots and lots of questions.  I swear his favorite word is "why."  He loves his bike and his favorite movie is "Wreck it Ralph."  He likes to pretend he is shooting the cybugs during the movie.  I swear he can quote the thing he ha seen it so much.  He can't wait to go deer hunting with daddy and I don't have the heart to tell him that it will be many years before he is big enough for that.

Ready for church!

Hanging with the bears.
Julia got herself a shiner!  She ran into a wall at daycare and her glasses pushed into her face.  She had a small cut and a large bruise.  She is pretty klutzy, yet fearless, which isn't a good combination.  Right now her knees and legs are completely scraped up from climbing and jumping off of things.  The lack of depth perception doesn't help either!

You should see the other guy!
I promise I will post some pics from Jed's birthday soon!  Hopefully I'll have more time to blog once school is out for the summer. 
All is well with the EYE.  Patching is going okay (it could be better, I'm not going to lie) and she is wearing the bifocals like a champ.  We see the eye doc in July and will have more EYE info then.


  1. The picture of them waiting on the doctor is priceless!! Love the booty shot.

    I am also cracking up at her in the sand table. She is full of personality!

    YAY for summer!!

  2. Yay for summer and YAY for living life, enjoy! So much to be grateful for... Jed and Julia seem to be livin it up! :) The sand table pic is the best and Jed makes me smile in every pic. Happy Summer Vacation!
