Saturday, April 6, 2013

Finally...a good appointment

Julia had a great appointment with her pediatric opthamologist!  Finally!  No surprises, no bad news, no scheduling surgery or anesthesia.  I was so happy and relieved.  Here is the rundown...

Her eye pressures are 14 and 17.  Normal is 16 +/- 4.  So these are great!

Her right eye has grown a millimeter and a half!  This is a front to back measurement, not side to side.  Basically this means her prescription has changed two diopters in that eye.  The left eye only grew a half a millimeter, so the prescription really didn't change.  This is very strange...but good!  It means the prescription in each eye is getting closer and closer which is a good thing.  It also means the right eye is catching up to the left eye in size. 

Her cornea is still SUPER steep (hers is a 56, a normal adult is a 43). 

Doc says it seems like her visual system is trying to find an equilibrium.  He is stumped, but pleased.  It seems Julia's eyes are not behaving like he would expect.  We are just going to keep checking in every 3 months to see how it goes.  At this rate, it is quite possible that she won't need the implant because the script in each eye will be so close together.

So her new prescription is a +10.75 in the right, and +5.25 in the left.  But this is just for near vision.  She is getting a bifocal in her right eye, so it will actually be a +8 in the right and a +5.25 in the left with a +2.75 bifocal in the right.  We are getting her new glasses and had them made as transitions so she isn't so affected by the sun.  (And the best part is First Steps is paying for them!)  Here is a pic:

Obviously the color is a bit off in the pic.  It is going to be a burgundy pearl color.  I hope it looks good on her skin.  We also got a sheet of pics to start working on with Julia.  We are hoping to get her to be able to point to or name a pic when she sees it so we can get a better estimate of her acuity.  They look like this:

We are still patching.  We had a nice discussion on patching with the doc.  It has been pretty rough lately.  Hopefully with the new glasses things will go a bit smoother.  Her current prescription has her clearest point only 3 inches from her face!  No wonder she rips the patch off!  We are going to try for 3 hours.  I asked if we needed to do more and he said that obviously patching 6 hours a day will get more results, but we are in this for the long haul.  He said we need to balance quality of life and also not damaging her sound eye.  So we are going for a solid 3 hours a day.

So there you are!  A great appointment!  Thank you for all the prayers.  I know they helped.  I'll post a pic as soon as her glasses are in.


  1. Yay for good news. I really like what your PO says about balancing the quality of life. It's like he 'gets it' and how hard it to be an imom! I can not wait to see what she looks like with her new glasses.

  2. Love this post, you and Julia deserve this!!! So excited to see her in her new glasses. She's gonna rock the darker pink for sure! Also can't believe she is old enough to start "studying" eye chart pics... wow wee times a flyin! Keep going imom, you are doin it.
