Wednesday, March 27, 2013

More snow

Seriously, I am sooooo ready for spring.  Next weekend is Easter and we are hovering around 35 degrees here.  And to top it off, we got over 12 inches of snow on Sunday!  So, we ended up with a snow day on Monday. 
This is not even the full amount!  It was still snowing at this point.
Don't get me wrong, I love being able to stay home with my kids, but I would prefer to stay home in May when the weather is better. You see, every snow day we have adds an extra day to the end of our school year. So now we are at May 23rd as our last day. Boo.
So the day it snowed, we decided to go ahead and dye our Easter Eggs.  Nothing fancy, but we sure had fun.

Julia is definitely becoming more aware.  She understands that she needs to wear glasses and is definitely becoming a pro at all things related to the EYE.

 And with having to stay inside comes the multiplication of germs. Both Jed and Julia have been through two rounds of antibiotics for ear infections. Julia and James both had the stomach bug. Julia's was really bad and she ended up in the emergency room. So glad that spring is around the corner. Maybe I can teach the kids to clean up their germs?

Nerves have set in. Julia is seeing the Pediatric Opthamologist on Tuesday and I am nervous. I seem to be more nervous when I think things are going well. It is like I am waiting for the shoe to drop. I am praying that this appointment goes well and there are no surprises. I am kind of hoping for a new prescription so that we can get new glasses. I would like Julia to have transition lenses for the summer, and since First Steps is paying for a pair, I figure this is as good of a time as any! Not sure if she will graduate to a bifocal yet or not. We will have to wait and see what good ole' Dr. H says!  The bad thing is Julia is fighting the patch again.  And boy can she fight!  We've been using the arm braces again because otherwise she will rip the patch off every 2 minutes.

Cheese from the cheese ball!

Patch off.

Here mom - I don't need the arm braces.

Here, you can have the patch too.
So wish us luck.  We will head to Children's on Tuesday (thankfully we are on Spring Break) and see what the docs have to say.  We also will be having therapy with the Occupational Therapist and vision specialist this weekend.  Hopefully spring is coming soon and we can put all the snow behind us!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Home sick

It seems lately that the only time I can blog is when I am home with a sick kid.  This time it is Julia.  She had an ear infection in January (see the last post) and about 10 days ago she had another one.  We finished the round of antibiotics, and she is still sick.  She was vomiting and her ear was draining.  So we are doing another round of a stronger antibiotic and we are having the gunk from her ear cultured.

In some good news, she is finally talking!  She will say Mommy, Daddy, and night night.  As long as she keeps adding words every month, we won't need to add speech therapy.

We had a two snow days a few weeks ago.  I ended up only working two days that week because of President's day and two snow days.

And Daddy got a new tractor.  Jed actually wasn't too thrilled with the ride, but he loves "helping" Daddy fix it.

As far as the EYE goes - it is pretty much status quo.  We had to order a new set of snuggle wraps (arm immobilizers) because she has started ripping off her patches again.  She has a doctor appointment over spring break and I am anxious to see what our next step is since we are past strabismus surgery.

See my EYE.
Jed's been having fun too.
He found a box of outgrown clothes.  These are a pair of Julia's 6 month pants!
We are ready for spring so that we can play outside!